Thursday, December 9, 2010

Awful Monday

                                                                         Awful Monday  
My Monday was the worst Monday ever. First someone threw a giant rock at my leg and broke it. Then I was on top on of a building then somebody pushed me off which that broke my neck. After it healed a random dog named scary attacked my face. After that the dog chased me into a big pond (I can't swim).Then I was driving my bicycle and a car hit me. Then the last and the worst thing happen't to me. So I went camping on Monday when I was getting some fish to eat a Grizzly Bear came and attacked me. They also took the fish which I never got to eat.


  1. My story is very hilarious and cool

  2. Your aweful monday was pretty aweful i hope your mondays get better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what a fake story that day must of sucked if it was really true

  5. My freaken story ain't fake Ronnie you big fat buthole. Okay you pressured me it is fake. Except the part when I got pushed into a pond FYI(I really can swim). When I got pushed in the pond it was so freaken freezing though. It was also a bit of a rush. If you ask you pushed me into the pond I have no flippen idea. Ya HA HA laugh all you want but just remember these two things I have eyes in the back of my head. And watch out. Because I just might push you into the ocean.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Travis,Ronnie,Bobby, and anybody who comes to this blog site. You guys should seriously checkout these storys Black Cat, Bomb in the Building, and Avery and the Invisible Lion. Even though Avery and the invisible Lion is long it's a really good Tall Tale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. your black cat is cool beacuse you had use good details.

  9. Hey does anyone like my awful Monday. Because The part when I fell off a building was funny but the funniest part was when I got attacked by a bear and never got to eat my fish

    I have now made a 2nd awful Monday, a AmAzInG sAtUrDaY !:)!:)!:)!:)!:), and a How Will You Like
    The Fantasy Theme
